samedi 21 septembre 2013

5 Tips to Creating a Successful Fitness Boot Camp Workout For All Fitness Levels

People come in all different shapes and sizes. This is true for their fitness levels, too. You may have an well conditioned athlete and an unconditioned, overweight client come to the same boot camp class. In order to run a successful boot camp, you need to have the ability to give both clients a workout that will fit each of their needs.
Here are a few tips to make your camp flow smoothly regardless of varying fitness levels in your camp:
1. Offer Different Progressions. To challenge all fitness levels, always be able to give different progressions of each exercise. For example, you can have campers doing push ups against the wall, off a bench, on the floor with knees down, on their toes, or performing spiderman push-ups. Having various progressions will keep your boot campers challenged and will allow them to feel accomplishments as they improve.
2. Have Go-To Exercises Ready. Have a list of go-to exercises ready for faster boot campers while they wait for others to finish. This allows the slower campers to complete their set and the faster ones to continue to gain results without being held back. They can push to their OWN personal limits. Some go-to exercises we like to use are inchworms, deck squats, spiderman plank, and floppy burpees.
3. Run Timed Sets/Workouts. When you run your workout with a timed set you allow all fitness levels to get what they need from the workout. They will be able to perform as many repetitions as they are able, and it doesn't matter what anyone else is doing.
4. Know Your Exercise Modifications. Some clients will come in with limitations, whether it's an injury, pain, or joint immobilization. You need to be able to adjust the exercises based on their abilities. As in the example above, the push-up has several different modifications. Other options are to remove the jumping or impact out of fast moving exercises and perform standing modifications for campers who can't change planes quickly and safely. Be prepared at all times.
5. Make It All Happen Seamlessly. No one wants to be singled out if they cannot perform an exercise correctly, so make sure to plan ahead and be ready with modifications. Add go-to in exercises EVERY workout. You want everyone to feel good and leave happy.
We hope the tips above will help you increase your ability to deliver results and keep your boot campers coming back for more.
Good Luck!
Alicia Streger, RKC, CSCS
Carrie Kukuda, RKC, NB-CPT

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