Looking for a few easy health and fitness tips to get you feeling good? Then keep reading! There are a few key things we can and should do every day to help get in shape and stay healthy.
Drinking the right amount of water a day is not only good for our bodies, but it can help people loose weight by curbing their appetite. Taking water bottles with you to work will help you stay on track. Freezing water bottles the night before will help keep them lasting all day; you can even through some in the car for the ride home. Drinking plenty of water may mean more bathroom trips, but it also means fewer cravings for sugary and salty foods by giving you a sense of fullness, less appetite, and flushing out the system.
Next time you are tempted to hit that 'up' arrow button at the nearest elevator remain strong! Be brave and walk on up those stairs. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator every day will help to burn calories and add leg strength while getting a small cardiovascular workout. And don't think going downstairs isn't just as beneficial because it is. Going down the stairs also helps to build quadriceps muscles. Bring some items to freshen up when you get in the office if you are worried you might get a more intense workout than planned.
Stay in bed an extra couple of minutes! This is not permission to fall back asleep; it is permission to do an ab workout before even getting out of bed! When you first wake up, lay flat on your bed and do ten crunches. Try to increase the amount of crunches by one each day until you get to one hundred; you might surprise yourself!
Next time you go to the supermarket or the mall, save yourself the stress of fighting and waiting for that perfect parking spot. Instead, go ahead and park in the farthest spot possible. By parking far away you are giving yourself the gift of walking. Walking those extra steps can really add up in the long run when it comes to your health and fitness. Find and take advantage of every opportunity to walk.
Take five! We are a stressed society. An important tip beneficial to your overall health is to take five minutes for every half hour or hour you are working, working out, etc. Use those five minutes to stretch, close your eyes, and meditate. Clearing your mind and taking a few minutes to yourself will help relieve stress which will in turn put you in a better mood which will also increase the likelihood of exercising.
These ideas and tips are things that can be done every day. It is important to take a look at your life and your surroundings and find ways to incorporate health and fitness. Not only will 'exercising' a few of these tips and ideas make you healthier and more fit, it will give you an overall more positive outlook on life.
Chris McCombs is a personal trainer in Beverly Hills California. At one time Chris was 143 pounds overweight at which point he looked in the mirror and decided to do something about it. Chris lost the weight and started his own fitness business Positively Fit Inc. which along with servicing all of Orange County and Beverly Hills also services personal training in Hollywood as well.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_McCombs
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1231921
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