jeudi 19 septembre 2013

How Far Infrared Rays Have a Positive Effect on the Human Body

If you have heard about body wrap systems using Far Infrared Ray (FIR) technology but you're still on the fence about whether or not they really work - and will generate additional income for your tanning salon, wellness center or therapeutic clinic - we want you to know that FIR has long been recognized as a natural means of promoting weight loss and overall health. Want more information? Read on for an overview of how far infrared rays benefit many ailments and conditions.
How Far Infrared Rays Work
In a nutshell, FIR waves create warmth. Because they are composed of wavelengths within the same range as those naturally occurring in the body, FIR is easily absorbed. When the body, which is made up primarily of water (80 percent), absorbs the infrared rays, it heats up and this has a positive effect on the muscles, joints and circulatory system. As the waves resonate through the body, they actually stimulate various functions, including perspiration. Not only does the act of perspiring require energy (which burns calories), it helps the human body to rid itself of toxins through the sweat glands.
The Psychological Effects of Warmth
Heat makes us feel good. It wraps us in comforting warmth akin to being in the womb. Remember being a kid and spending as much time as possible outdoors, maybe even laying on hot concrete? Think of how soothing it is to lay in the full sun after swimming. Even cuddling up in warm layers of blankets while sleeping can be quite comforting. And many autistic children and adults enjoy the feel of something touching their skin, which wraps them in warmth. All of these are the positive psychological effects of FIR.
The Physical Effects of Far Infrared Rays
FIR waves do heat up the body, from the inside out - not to an unhealthy or unsafe temperature, but to a temperature that allows it to work wonders on the human body. Our body's response to heat is perspiration. The mere act of sweating means our bodies are working and our blood circulates more easily. Perspiration also helps to regulate core body temperature as it whisks away impurities that are eliminated through the pores of the skin.
Far infrared rays are able to penetrate muscles, joints, blood vessels, nerves and lymph glands. The soothing warmth provided by FIR loosens joints and muscles, thus providing relief to pain. Due to the process of toxin elimination, FIR treatments can also help clear infections. And, of course, since the body must work to produce adequate sweat to cool itself down, it can burn over a thousand calories in a single, one-hour infrared body wrap session.
Body wrap systems that use far infrared rays are not a miracle cure or weight loss device; they simply harness a naturally occurring heat produced by long wavelengths. It is a completely natural and safe way to provide relief for a number of ailments and help people burn calories to more easily lose weight. This is an additional service that any tanning salon, wellness center or health clinic can benefit from by providing an extra way to make more profits while helping customers get fit and feel better!
Marie Morehouse blogs for FIT Bodywrap, the revolutionary way to lose pounds and inches and relieve muscles, joint aches and pains over your lunch hour! Just one 60-minute session in a salon provides the healing relief and therapeutic cellulite melting properties of Far Infrared Technology., like those found in a traditional sauna environment but without breathing in the hot air. Find out for yourself how great it feels to be wrapped in warmth and walk away looking and feeling better. Call 1-888-5FIT-NOW to find a salon near you. Learn about the latest news in physical therapy and weight loss by liking our Facebook page and reading our tanning salon blog. We look forward to seeing you there!

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